Reptile and Grow

Changes to Our Animals

Changes to the regulations for pet keepers introduced by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions at the beginning of 2019 allows keeper to keeper transfers directly through the government department.

We believe due to these changes in keeper regulations, we as a shop are no longer being offered as much livestock from keepers/breeders. This makes it very difficult for us to hold a constant supply of various species. This has led us to make a change to how we will be offering our animals. Our stock levels for individual species will now be experiencing highs and lows as we will only be stocking animals that we breed here at Reptile and Grow, meaning the best time of year to get a new scaly friend from us will be early to mid year.

We will be concentrating on what we do best, sourcing the best merchandise for your animals and old fashioned customer service.